Dragon Thrones 2022 | Bryn Mawr College, Pa

July 8th, 2022

Dearest Players,


I had the most amazing weekend with you. It was truly my pleasure to capture your highs, lows, love and deaths. Now that I am home the work to sort thru the massive amount of photos beings. This is no small task, we are talking 10’s of thousands of photos, so please be patient it will likely take me well over a month to get thru and edit all the photos.


In the meantime, some of you expressed interest in offering additional support to which is flattering and appreciated. 


The easiest thing for any of you to do is to follow me on social media @keithreillyphotography on Facebook and insta. If you are feeling extra giving you could throw down a google review here. If you do use my photos on social I just ask that you kindly give me photo credit. (Photo credit: @keithreillyphotography)


If you are feeling extra generous you could throw a tip at me on Venmo. @Kreilly8


Additionally the complete gallery of High Res images will be available purchase for $50. These are images good enough to print. To be very clear images perfect for social media / web use will be available to everyone at no additional fee. 


Last for those who are impatient and able I’m offering 10 fast pass slots. For $250 I will prioritizes all the best images of you and share them to you in your own gallery including the high res downloads. This will be on a first come first serve basis please email me at Keith@KeithReillyPhotography.com or DM me socials if interested.



But waits there is more…


If any of you want to hire me for a future event. I am offering a 20% discount on any of my packages. Just use PROMO Code:  DT22

In the meantime here are some sneak peaks.
